Our Mission
To serve the community by providing services that meet the spiritual, physical, and social needs for the refugee families in the Eastridge neighborhood.
Eastridge Mission center was opened on July 2nd, 2013. EMC is a 4000 sq ft building located at 1300 Evergreen in Amarillo, Texas, located next to Eastridge Baptist Church on its own city block.
The facility includes the main structure, a covered picnic pavilion, a large soccer field, play gym with slide, a sand volleyball pit, and a large artificial turf play area.
- A basketball court, air hockey table, table tennis, Foosball and indoor volleyball court.
- A full kitchen and eating area.
- Large indoor area capable of holding over 300 individuals.
What Happens at Eastridge Mission Center?
The EMC is open Monday – Friday after school from 3-6 pm. Kids can come have a free hot meal provided by the Kids Café/Food Bank. Volunteers lead Bible studies, arts/crafts, basketball, soccer, dodgeball, and outdoor recreation on the playground.
Yearly events include an Easter party where we give out free Bibles for adults and children, Spring Break basketball tournament, regular cookouts throughout the summer, August clothing outreach for those who want gently used back-to-school clothes, and Christmas party with gifts for the children.
What Happens During the Summer?
During the summer, EMC opens at 1pm. Meals are served daily.
Church mission groups can serve at the EMC and host Vacation Bible School or sports activities in the gym.
Throughout the summer, volunteers may come serve by doing various project around EMC.
How is Eastridge Mission Center Funded?
The EMC is funded by individual and corporate contributions. The EMC has also been awarded various grants over the past several years after becoming a 501(c)3 non-profit.
The EMC building was completely paid for and debt free when it opened in 2013.
A tremendous amount of ministry takes place on a limited budget. We covet your prayers and financial support.
The EMC would love to have regular monthly donors. You can set up a one-time or reoccurring monthly donation: